Saturday, 11 June 2011

We are hopefully getting out and doing some land art today, Rich wants to make a oak leaf ball or something to do with birch bark for his exhibition which starts Tuesday 14th June, it won't be ready for the start but bits and bobs will be appearing every now and again, the exhibiton goes on until October so it will be interesting to see how it goes regards selling any of his artwork. I really hope it goes well, when you put your heart and soul into your work you really want things to happen!

I think I might have to go back to bed for a bit, I have been up since 4am, I have a horrible cough and laying down makes it worse, so I got up and started cutting out bits and bobs for a collage I am doing. Im going to post a picture of all the cuttings out and you might think I have gone nuts, I am beginning to think so anyway!

Night night!

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